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Film editing is not what I do, it is who I am…

Multilingual, I also speak in images. I am a Visual Storyteller focusing on Film Editing and Writing, connecting Film with Human Rights, specifically youth, to make an impact.

I fell in love with films and stories when I was just a child. I used to watch the making of animated films over and over again until the tape (yes, it was a VHS tape!) went bad. However, my story with film editing started later. When I edit, reality seems very far away. It’s like I cross the screen and I’m in a different timeline. A space where time, anxieties and fears do not exist.

Through editing, I make sense of a messed-up reality. And so, I fell in love with editing slowly, by learning the art of storytelling and flow, through the craft of screenwriting, improv, dance and Capoeira! By traveling and connecting with people from all around, and learning how to wait patiently (yes, that’s definitely a skill!), I became a film editor, or rather, editing became who I am.

My work mainly focuses on community, identity, trauma and youth and increased my curiosity on the impact of fiction and films on people, youth and society, and vice versa. What inspires me are human emotions and human stories that I enjoy transforming into moving images. My goal is to apply storytelling, empathy and flow in my work; use Film Editing as a social design and visual communication tool to make a change and heal.

You can watch my interview about my experience as a film editor in Lebanon here. It is a short documentary about women filmmakers in developing countries around the world for the International Women’s Film Festival, in Assen, Netherlands in 2017 and 2018. it is directed by Anne Van Campenhout.